Fokofpolisiekar kicked off 2020 with talks of writing new music. It has been three years since the release of their last full-length album titled Selfmedikasie.  The idea was to start writing, build up a collection of songs and then look at recording the fourth full-length album and release it in 2021/2022.

But, then COVID-19 happened. Die Bende felt inspired and started getting creative. Kajuitkoors (Cabin fever) is Fokofpolisiekar’s 4-track response to the madness that is 2020.

Hunter Kennedy describes this punk rock EP as a “collage of fever dreams.”

Hunter continues: “It’s existential fear, mixed with panic and conspiracy theory. During the lockdown, my hatred for authority was reignited. I feel like we are free-range people living on a tax farm.  It reminded me of high school, so I’m glad that the EP has a 90’s punk/college rock sound. There is also the required piano ballad. So, I think Kajuitkoors sounds like a mix between NOFX and Coenie de Villiers.”

Kajuitkoors tracklist – with comments by Hunter Kennedy:

STFU:STFU was basically my go-to feeling during lockdown. Snake(Jaco S Venter – Fokof’s drummer) doesn’t like the English chorus, but I couldn’t think of anything better. The volume of information and opinions drove me insane.”

Raak siek raak gesond:Raak siek raak gesond is inspired by Merwe Marchant le Roux. I believe it is a positive mantra. What are the other options?” 

Ons is die virus:Level 5 lockdown in South Africa had some of the strictest regulations in the world. There was a lot of shit going through my head. I felt like doing a flow of consciousness kind of vibe. So I picked up the guitar and just started singing whatever came to mind.”

Teen die wet:Teen die wet is a tough one for me. It’s about the psychological effects of the lockdown. I’ve cried a few times while listening to it when I think of all the horror stories of lockdown that has nothing to do with the virus.”

STREAM Kajuitkoors

The four Kajuitkoors tracks are not where this is going to end. Fokofpolisiekar has decided to keep riding their current creative wave and release the new full-length album mid-2021.

‘’We are in a good space creatively and found a workflow that is working. Every album and approach will be different for us. Now that we’ve got a new formula we should roll with it. Next year FOKOF is turning 18 and we just cannot think of a better way to celebrate it than with new music,’’ says Wynand Myburgh.

Fokofpolisiekar has no confirmed live shows for the rest of 2020 because of the uncertainty and restrictions around social gatherings and events. But, there have been discussions of an acoustic Livestream show to end off 2020 on a high note.

“We have not done a full acoustic set in forever and we think it could be something special that people all over the world can enjoy. People have been asking us about an acoustic performance. Maybe this is the right time?” Francois van Coke

For more info follow FOKOFPOLISIEKAR Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

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