It has been a week since VAN COKE KARTEL returned to Cape Town from the first leg of their final tour to Pretoria, Johannesburg and Potchefstroom. This Wednesday Stellenbosch, and on Friday Cape Town, will get their turn to experience Van Coke Kartel giving it their all for the very last time.

The Jägermeister Presents: The Final Tour has been a huge success. The fans, hungry to experience the VCK mayhem for one last time, came out in droves with attendances of over 1 000 people at both the Arcade Empire (Pretoria) and Rumours Rock City (Johannesburg).

Atterbury Theatre (Pretoria) was sold-out in advance and by the time the band left the venue, all their merchandise (CD’s, vinyl, shirts and hoodies) was sold out.

The frenzied crowd at Mystic Boer in Potchefstroom lapped up the last drop of VCK, leaving Francois van Coke bloodied and his shirt torn…. the perfect send-off to one of South Africa’s most respected and prolific rock bands.

“The “mosh-phere” only grew heavier every time Francois yelled “Hier gaat ons!”. At some point he had to gently shove fans off of the stage, but the moshing wave of people already got to him. He was left bleeding after his shirt was ripped from his body. Nevertheless, the band did not give up. They were more energetic and courageous than ever, giving their fans the ultimate voyage of the past 10 legendary years of Van Coke Kartel.” Marnél Smit – Why Ed

Read about that night here:

“This tour had it all, ‘Bloed, Sweet en (baie) Trane”.

”It has been insane! We never expected for the shows to be this well attended. People really came out to support and show their love for the band. Although every evening ended on a high note, there was also a sadness in the air. Seeing people this amped for the band, does make the swansong on Friday evening difficult, but we will channel this positive energy into the future projects,” says Wynand Myburgh, bassist and manager of the band.

This Friday, 28th July 2017, VCK will play their last show EVER to an already sold-out Mercury Live in Cape Town.  As the last notes of Verdoof.Vergiftig.Verskoon My. fade away, the proverbial curtain will drop and that will be that.

Van Coke Kartel will walk off the stage, but will live on through their music.

“The four VCK shows were intense.  After the Pretoria show I thought I wouldn’t make it.  It is a serious work out on the body, voice and spirit.  It was wild.  The night in Potch was probably one of the wildest shows I’ve played in my life.  I bled, my shirt was torn from my body and I kicked a few people.  But I realize that VCK meant a lot to many people and thank you for coming out and for showing your appreciation.

It was intense, but a massive pleasure.  Wynand and myself started the band in 2007 because it was a necessity for us to make more music.  1o Years, 5 albums, 3 SAMAs, 5 drummers and an EP later.  It was crazy and better than we ever could expect.  Thanks for the last run Wynand MyburghJedd Kossew and Jason Oosthuizen.

There are two more final shows at Aandklas in Stellenbosh on 26th July and at Mercury Live in Cape Town.” Francois van Coke

The Future

Although there will be no new music and no more live performances, the band has decided to setup an online merchandise store that will be selling Van Coke Kartel novelty merchandise.

”The merchandise that we produced for the tour were sold out before the end of the third show. Since our return from the first leg, fans has been asking us where they can get shirts, CD’s, posters, and such.  We decided that it will be a good idea to have these things available from an online store,” says Jedd Kossew, guitar player for Van Coke Kartel.

Keep an eye out on and social media for more info regarding this online store.




Twitter:  @vancokekartel

Categories: Events Music News